
This is the first time I'm late with That's Me in the Corner! I didn't factor in the post-trip jetlag and laziness. I was ALSO unable to do any real comics during my Africa trip. Partly because there was some really unfunny shit, and partly because the trip was with my inlaws, and I'm not crazy or brave enough to write about my wife's family, with whom we traveled.  Writing about my own is frightening enough. 

Let it suffice to say that Rwanda and Uganda are seriously heavy and beautiful and powerful. Here are a couple of photos.  



Martin Tielli Surfaces

Very happy to see Martin Tielli out and about again, this time with the third album by "avant garde cabaret" band Nick Buzz (Jon Goldsmith, Hugh Marsh, Rob Piltch, and Tielli). The song is called The Hens Lay Everyday and I challenge you to not laugh and or gasp during this video. The record, A Quiet Evening At Home, is out today on Six Shooter. 


New Music from the Yellowjacket Avenger

branden town.jpg

Geoffrey Pye, aka Yellowjacket Avenger, has released his third record in 2 years, and it's a great one. Branden Town returns roughly to the aural space of Double Nature, adding the voice of singer Tessa Kautzman, creating a lovely counterpoint to Pye's own style.

NB: I wrote the above start-of-review about 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been  

(a) talking to GP about running his website for him - happening, soon

(b) travelling around Rwanda and Uganda with Marjan

(c) enjoying earworms from Branden Town, proving it's catchiness.  

The Yellowjacket Avenger, in the same time period, released a video for the song You Claim Me. It's excellent, and I think it's his first. I share it here. Kautzman's voice figures keenly here, and does so all over the record. More news when I am less jetlagged. 

Find Branden Town, Double Nature and more YJA at his bandcamp site.


ADDENDUM: wrong to say it's his first video. Forgot about Emergency, circa 2009

That's Me in the Corner 19

As discovered last time, this is the nineteenth instalment. I won't be posting for a couple of weeks - the Info Pusher and I are headed to Rwanda for a couple weeks. I'm going to attempt a comic journal, and I'll certainly have some photos to share. In the meantime, try and make do with this slim offering: 


Cool Toronto Improvised Music

Marjan shared this site with me - she's always finding me cool shit on the internet: It's called Audio Pollination, and it's a series of improvised musical performances over near Trinity Bellwoods. The blogsite shares the music and the names of performers, upcoming performance dates, and some of the pieces are downloadable. I'll be gorging myself today on this. Yum. 


Old Things Found

I was looking for old BadMonkeyX stuff, tidying up the School section on this misterjep site, and found some fun stuff.  This was by a kid I taught - Avra - and was drawn with love, believe it or not. She was going through some stuff. 


Mike Warnke

That's Me in the Corner this week was about a freaky christian comedian named Mike Warnke. My parents and their friends listened to this guy a lot, because they loved laughing but loved God more. 

I went to YouTube, handy video sharing internet module, to see if I could find any of the old shit we listened to. I found more. Much more. Including this, the worst remix/mashup I've ever heard, by a person named DJ RELISH HANDS. Not joking. I have no idea what the relationship between the bit (mostly inaudible), the song (Once in a Lifetime), and the freaking zombie pet comic onscreen. Not one idea. 


A shout out to the talking heads. making flippy-floppy indeed.

As for the comedy, I couldn't find anything I recognized. I found lots of obsessive films about the guy - debunking or praising him - but not a lot of jokes. See what you've missed below - not much. 


Trying Squarespace

Trying squarespace this week, to see if it's where I want to move to. I think maybe, but it's not intuitive - pretty big learning curve (for me; I've done sites in various blog formats, have used dreamweaver and templates, fireworks' heavy graphical sites, and hand-coded notepad sites). I feel like I may have to learn how to do this constantly for the rest of my life, and I do not like that.