Geoffrey Pye, aka Yellowjacket Avenger, has released his third record in 2 years, and it's a great one. Branden Town returns roughly to the aural space of Double Nature, adding the voice of singer Tessa Kautzman, creating a lovely counterpoint to Pye's own style.
NB: I wrote the above start-of-review about 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been
(a) talking to GP about running his website for him - happening, soon
(b) travelling around Rwanda and Uganda with Marjan
(c) enjoying earworms from Branden Town, proving it's catchiness.
The Yellowjacket Avenger, in the same time period, released a video for the song You Claim Me. It's excellent, and I think it's his first. I share it here. Kautzman's voice figures keenly here, and does so all over the record. More news when I am less jetlagged.
Find Branden Town, Double Nature and more YJA at his bandcamp site.
ADDENDUM: wrong to say it's his first video. Forgot about Emergency, circa 2009