Fake Bladder and Inking

So I’ve told you this before: inking fucks me up. Not the lines, I’m okay with that – the colouring (in shades of grey, so we don’t run into the unprintable Beep Beep situation again). Last week I wrote all these different people who might know to ask how one learns what I need to know. They all tried to help, very kindly, with various places I could look, but nothing was really working.

So this last weekend I was hanging with Kro and asked him what he’d done on Beep Beep and etc. to make them look so much better, and he showed me, and it’s not that hard (to do at the level I need)! Simple shit I didn’t know cuz I wasn’t paying attention in class or something: identify a light source. Put lightness on that side. Put darkness on the other. Done. Depth achieved.

Excited, I spent the last day of my vacation redoing the colouring for Fake Bladder, a true story starring my love. It’s very beginner – we’ll hope it improves – but it’s already better. Yay! Thanks Kro and everybody.