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Painful Earworm

So I’ve had this song running through my head for days – a terrible, terrible song by a horrid band I liked when I was a pubescent being. I can’t figure out why it’s there, and I’ve run the Earworm checklist: I haven’t heard it in decades; I can’t think of a song I’m listening to now that has a familiar little sequence of notes or a sound that’s common to both; and the lyrics don’t reflect anything that’s on my mind. How could they? They’re completely empty of meaning:

“Another shooting star goes by
And in the night the silence speaks to you and I
And now the time has come at last
Don’t let the moment run too fast “

for example. None of those questions got answers. So I looked it up on YouTube. And man, it is the worst. I thought the other stuff I’d gone back to check out on youtube – rick springfield, foreigner, kansas, loverboy – was bad, but no. That was all Good compared to this. And I had thought that Journey were ugly – but they’re gods compared to Survivor. Survivor are shocking. This video is worthy of great ridicule – ridiculous adolescent nonsense by middle aged men. Come for the sexism; come for the bizarre setup; but stay for the keyboard player’s hair. The Ultimullet. Enjoy. I hope sharing this will heal my inner playlist.